I just realised my previous email didn't go to the list for some reason.
Here it is again:
Currently, I have three liquadsoap ".liq" files, and they all look very
similar to this:
-------- 8< --------
***@beastie:/etc/liquidsoap$ cat jake.liq
def my_request_function() =
# Get the first line of my external process
result =
# Create and return a request using this result
# Create the source
s = mksafe(request.dynamic(my_request_function))
sc = smart_crossfade(conservative=true, s)
host = "localhost", port = 8000,
password = "ICECASTPASSWORD", mount = "jake-radio.mp3",
description="jakeradio - all my songs on random", name="jakeradio",
-------- 8< --------
The important differences between the configs are the "mount",
"description", and "name" in the last command.
As you can see, the mp3's are re-encoded to a variable bit rate, quality
set to 1, which I am sure is overkill lol
There is no special config in icecast, icecast will stream whatever the
streaming source tells it to - in my case, the streaming source is
You may want to look at the setting in icecast.xml
icecast/limits/clients and/or icecast/limits/sources - mine is set to
100, I *think* sources defaults to something quite low, like 2, which
bit me when I tried to stream 3 things....
Also, you'll want to look at icecast/authentication/source-password and
set that to something - Above, in my liq file, you'll see 'password =
"ICECASTPASSWORD"' - they need to match.
I hope I've given you enough to get you on the right track :D
Post by David MehlerHello,
If anyone is running an Icecast server that serves at least 3 separate
streams each with it's own bitrate can I get a look at your config?
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